Simple Guide to Monitor System Metrics with TICK Stack on CentOS 7

Simple Guide to Monitor System Metrics with TICK Stack on CentOS 7Monitoring system metrics is an essential part of maintaining the health and performance of a server. With TICK Stack, it’s easy to monitor and visualize system metrics in real-time. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to install and set up TICK Stack on CentOS 7 to monitor system metrics.

What is TICK Stack?
TICK Stack is a set of open-source tools used for monitoring and visualizing time-series data. The name stands for Telegraf, InfluxDB, Chronograf, and Kapacitor. Each tool serves a specific purpose in the monitoring and visualization process. Telegraf is used for data collection, InfluxDB for data storage, Chronograf for data visualization, and Kapacitor for alerting and anomaly detection.

Step 1: Install Telegraf
Telegraf is a data collector that collects data from various sources and sends it to InfluxDB for storage. To install Telegraf, follow these steps: Read More

How to Configure Nginx as a Web Server and Reverse Proxy for Apache on Ubuntu 20.04

How to Configure Nginx as a Web Server and Reverse Proxy for Apache on Ubuntu 20.04Nginx is a highly popular and efficient web server that is widely used on Linux servers. It allows you to configure it as a standalone web server or as a reverse proxy for other web applications. In this article, we will learn how to configure Nginx as a web server and reverse proxy for Apache on a Ubuntu 20.04 server in your web hosting.

Step 1: Install Nginx and Apache on Ubuntu 20.04

First, we need to install Nginx and Apache on our Ubuntu 20.04 server. You can do this by using the following commands in the terminal:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install nginx apache2

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